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Part-Time vs. Full-Time Employment. Which one is right for You?


In today’s dynamic job market, you can often find yourself faced with the choice between part-time and full-time employment. Each option comes with its unique set of challenges and benefits, making the decision-making process more complex.

Whether you’re a parent balancing childcare or a cancer survivor seeking flexibility, understanding these differences is crucial to finding the right fit for your lifestyle and career goals.

Let’s delve into the distinct challenges of seeking part-time vs. full-time work, along with potential solutions to overcome them.

Part-Time Employment: Built-in Flexibility but far from perfect.

classic alarm clock on a coloured background, left side red and right side green


1. Limited Hours, Limited Income: One of the primary challenges of seeking part-time work is the limited number of hours available. This translates to a lower income compared to full-time employment, which can be difficult for those with financial obligations. Do you make changes to the life-style you have become accustomed to or eat in to your savings?

2. Limited Benefits: Part-time positions often come with fewer benefits, such as healthcare, pension, and paid holidays. This lack of benefits can be a significant drawback if you are looking for stability and security.

3. Competition: Part-time jobs usually attract large numbers of applicants, especially in sectors like technology and marketing. Standing out among the competition can be tough, especially if you’ve had a career break.


1. Flexibility: Part-time work offers greater flexibility in scheduling, making it an ideal option for parents, carers, or individuals balancing multiple commitments.

2. Skill Development: Despite the shorter hours, part-time jobs can provide valuable skill development and experience, which can be beneficial for career growth.

3. Work-Life Balance: Part-time employment allows you to maintain a better work-life balance, enabling you to pursue other interests or responsibilities outside of work.


1. Networking: Building a strong network can help you uncover part-time opportunities that may not be advertised widely. Attend career fairs, industry events, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn to expand your network.

In 2023, only 60% of available jobs in the UK were advertised on job boards, the rest were hired through networks, LinkedIn and individuals making themselves known to companies they were interested in working for.

2. Skill Highlighting: Emphasise transferable skills and relevant experiences in your resume and cover letter to make yourself stand out to employers. Highlight how your skills align with the job requirements, even if you have limited work experience. Make sure you sell yourself by highlighting your achievements and show that you’ve had a positive impact in all your roles.

3. Consider Full-time Flexible Roles: Explore flexible roles that offer remote, hybrid, flexi-time, compressed hours or 4-day-weeks. These positions have the benefit of full-time salary and perks whilst offering you the flexibility you need to be both the parent and professional you want to be.

Full-Time Employment: Stability with Challenges

mum using phone at breakfast table, sat in between 2 young children.


1. Time Commitment: Full-time employment requires a significant time commitment, leaving less flexibility for personal pursuits or additional responsibilities.

2. Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance can be challenging in full-time roles, particularly if the job demands long hours, travel, a long commute or frequent overtime.

3. Burnout Risk: The demands of full-time work can lead to burnout if not managed properly, affecting job satisfaction and overall well-being.


1. Stability: Full-time employment typically offers more stability in terms of consistent hours, income, and benefits, providing a sense of security for employees.

2. Comprehensive Benefits: Full-time employees often receive comprehensive benefits packages, including healthcare, pension, and more paid holidays, enhancing overall job satisfaction and financial security.

3. Career Advancement: Full-time positions may offer greater opportunities for career advancement, professional development, and higher earning potential compared to part-time roles.


1. Flexible Work Arrangements: Negotiate flexible work arrangements with your employer, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to improve work-life balance and reduce burnout risk.

2. Continuous Learning: Invest in continuous learning and professional development to stay competitive in your field and enhance your career prospects within your current role or future opportunities.

aeroplane safety leaflet. put own oxygen mask on first

3. Self-Care Practices: Prioritise self-care practices to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being. This includes setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, and taking regular breaks to recharge.

And when I say prioritise, I mean this should be your No.1 focus, put before all things, because to be the best parent, partner and employee, you need to be the best version of you. Which means putting on your own oxygen mask first before helping others, including children.

In conclusion, whether you’re pursuing part-time or full-time employment, each option comes with its own set of challenges and benefits. By understanding these differences and solutions, you can navigate the job market more effectively and find opportunities that align with your needs, goals, and lifestyle preferences.

Remember to stay proactive, adaptable, and resilient in your job search journey, and success will follow.

If you’re still struggling to decide whether full-time or part-time is right for you, reach out to your Tribe coach, who can help you choose the option that works best for you.

adult and child hands on keyboard

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